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MLP FIM: Fledgling Emporium

Fluttershy suddenly felt the sensation of something being applied to her rump. She turned around, and saw that a mechanical arm was sprinkling foal powder onto her.

And when Fluttershy looked off to her side a little, she could see the same thing happening to Pinkie Pie.

The two were then carried to a giant changing table, and two adult diapers were slipped onto their rumps. Pinkie Pie enjoyed the sensation of being diapered, Fluttershy not so much.

"This is gonna be so much fun!" Pinkie Pie cheered, as she was let down from the changing table.

"Oh yes, very fun." Fluttershy muttered under her breath, as she was let down from the changing table. She didn't dare think about what would come next.
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