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The Prophet

A few hours after wandering around the city of Nessal, you quickly understand why Alru was considering destroying this place. Debauchery abounds everywhere you look. Drunkards stumble about, gambling tables on every corner, even public fornication in the middle of the streets. You are horrified by what you see.

You begin your preaching immediately, first being nothing but a crazy street curiosity but eventually turning into a city square sensation. You preach the words of Alru from dawn to dusk, capturing the attention of harlots and thieves. You preach of his love and mercy and how he will kill all of them if they don't love him back.

Some question your authority. The wise men and sages of the city scoff at you at first. Yet after you darken the skies during the day and raise the sun at night with the staff of Alru, more are inclined to believe you.

After three days you exit the city lauded a savior to the people. You smile to the public, yet cannot help but be angered. You find solitude on a nearby hill and call out to Alru.

From behind a large rock a flaming antelope comes forth. Apparently Alru doesn't like to stay in the same form all the time. The fiery animal speaks,

"Itus my child, you have succeeded in your mission! The people of Nessal shall not perish, but be saved! Why do you call upon me in such anger?"

"My lord did you not create the universe and all living things?"

"I did."

"So then do you not know the outcome of all things from the beginning unto the end of time?"

"I know all things." The reverberating voice states.

"If you knew the people would repent of their sinful ways, then why did you send me here? This is an embarrassment to me, I look like a fool!"

"Foolish man!Selfish man! I aim to teach the people of Nessal a lesson as much as I aim to teach you! You are the instrument that spreads my word! If i appeared to all mortals, all would follow me out of fear and not a choice of their own making. I am no taskmaster Itus. I wish for my followers to truly want to follow me."

Suddenly you are overcome with shame as you cared more about yourself than a city comprised of thousands. You kneel before Alru's antelope form and beg forgiveness.

"Rise child. There is more for my prophet to accomplish! There is a cruel king who has enslaved many of my followers. The northern kingdom is full of evil men who drive my followers to the brink of death in chains and little food or compassion. You must free my people Itus!" You stand upon hearing this bold new quest.

"I live only to serve you my lord." Are the words that come from your mouth, but you can't help but be plagued with doubt. When will I be able to go home? Why does Alru, an all powerful god need me to free slaves? Why can't he just do it? How long before I am reunited with my family?

"The faithful shall prosper. This world is fleeting, but the heavens await the loyal servant." Alru whispers as he vanishes into golden smoke. He said this almost in reply of your thoughts. I am selfish... I must remain faithful to Alru...
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