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The Star of Egypt

You walk inside the Eatonville Daily News building and approach the front desk.

"Hello, m'am," the secretary sitting at the desk greets you. "How may I help you?"

"Hi," you say. "I'm looking for an article that was published in 1938 about uncovering a spoils system in the local government. Could you help me find it?"

"Oh, I know just the article you're talking about," the secretary smiles. "That was a big deal when it was published. I don't think I'll ever forget it."

The secretary leads you through the archives until you reach a box marked June, 1938.

"Here it is!" She pulls out a newspaper and points to an article on the front page. Sure enough, you think as you read. "One of those who had benefited from this spoils system is Mr. Jacob Moore. Moore is not qualified for any government position, and yet, he was appointed a secretarial position this year." Yikes! That seems enough to make Jacob want Dmitry hurt.

"Thank you so much," you say to the secretary as you tuck the paper back where you found it and head outside again.

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