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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
Morgana looks about to win

By: thatrandomguy3

While Mila stood by the stands, wondering what the crew would think of her and Morgana, Morgana was busy chowing down. Already massive, she was completely naked except for the sheet draped around her breasts, her butt leviathan in size, pushing her up so high in her seats she was nearly as tall sitting down as she was standing, and her stomach pushing far past her knees, squishing into the table, almost pushing it further away. She was so focused she didn’t notice the creaking of her chairs beneath her.

Meanwhile, the wolfess was struggling. She barely finished the last round, her gargantuan belly shoved hard into the table. She attempted to massage it, but as soon as she touched the taut ted skin pain flared across it. As they hauled out the next course out, cookies the size of dinner plates, she felt like she’d hurl. She tried to take a bite, but her will gave out and she pushed herself away from the table.

As she did so, everyone looked to Morgana to see if she could take that last bite, to discover she hadn’t even noticed. She was still going, her face buried in her food. As the cheering erupted around her she looked up bewildered.

When she realized she had won, she attempted to stand, only to find that she couldn’t.

“God, why do I feel so heavy,” she asked herself, looking down. As soon as she saw why, she froze, barely comprehending what she was seeing. Looking down all she could see was her belly. Her clothes had all burst off, and stomach was sticking out so far she couldn’t see her knees. Turning side to side she saw her massive hips and ass, so wide she would likely demolish doorways trying to walk through them, her butt sticking at least 2 feet straight out behind her. She could feel the three chairs she sat on beneath her, all creaking and groaning under the great weight they held. Her breasts, easily the size of pumpkins, were beginning to peak out from beneath the sheet, and she instinctively tried to wrap her arms around them to hide them, only to push them up into her face, nearly suffocating herself.

Over the minute or so Morgana took to peruse her fattened body, the mayor had come out and to congratulate her, and was luckily intercepted by Darius before he could get too close.

“I’ll accept this in her stead, if you don’t mind.” Darius said, taking the sack of coins and approaching Morgana, Leeko close behind, Mila approaching slowly from the crowd, which was dispersing now that the competition was over.

As they Approached Morgana they noticed that she was…

Choice One: Enraged at her sudden weight gain

Choice Two: Intrigued by her sudden weight gain (possibly a personality shift or some such)

Choice Three: Aroused. And, feeling confused, desperately trying to hide it.

Choice Four: Unbelievably, still swelling bigger. Apparently all that food she'd consumed was still digesting. Or something else was at work.
Something else?
End Of Story

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