Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.


Jack ran out of the base, unarmed except for his M2F pistol and without his squad. He knew it was stupid, and he cursed himself for doing it, but he knew that he had to find the intruders. Jack ran into the forest surrounding the base, heading in the direction that the Black Sun ship had landed. Crouching behind a fallen stump, he waited for signs of movement. Just as he was about to run forward, a twig snapped behind him. He whirled and came up with his gun pointing at a Sergeant.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing, son?!" The Sergeant yelled.
"Sorry sir, I thought-"
"You thought wrong, asshead! What the hell are you doing, pointing a pussy-ass gun like that at me?! I'm gonna kick your sorry little ass when I'm done patrolling. In fact, you can get your ass up and join in the fun! Now, soldier!"
"Yes sir!" Jack felt rising dread in his chest. He knew that this was a bad idea, but he couldn't disobey orders. Four other soldiers followed him as they proceeded into the forest.
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