Zodiac: Choices

This narrative contains many references to historical events, organizations, objects, and personages. This story is not a historical essay in any means, but simply meant for an entertaining read.
With that said, however, there are a couple points I wish to detail on the subject of history, conspiracy, and the paranormal.
The Illuminati was an actual society founded in May of 1776. Originally known as the Bavarian Illuminati, the secret society referred to themselves as Perfectibilists. Internal squabbling over the Order's successor led to the Bavarian government disbanding the organization in 1785. Despite such facts, the Illuminati name has been connected to practically every major conspiracy theory.
Franz Anton Mesmer was an 18th century German physician and astrologist. Most known for his discovery of what he called magnetisme animal (English: animal magnetism) and other spiritual forces often labeled mesmerism. His ideas were later adapted to develop the method of hypnotism. The English word mesmerize is derived from his name.
Dr. Karl Ludwig von Reichenbach was a historical 19th century German chemist, geologist, metallurgist, naturalist, industrialist, and philosopher. He was best known for his discoveries in chemical byproducts derived from tar: such as eupione, waxy paraffin, the first synthetic dye, and an antiseptic known as phenol. Reichenbach is also known for his research conducted in his last years on an unproved field of energy combining electricity, magnetism, heat, light, and the energy of life itself. He named this mystical energy the Odic force after the Norse God Odin.
Joseph Rhodes Buchanan was a 19th century American physician and physiologist. Buchanan developed ideas combining the health of the mind to the well-being of the body; he also was the first to propose the concept of psychometry; the idea that everything left a 'psychic fingerprint' on the world.
The Thule-Gesellschafft or Thule Society was a historical German occultist group in Munich (a city itself located in the German state of Bavaria), founded in the early 20th century. It is well-known for being the organization that sponsored the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, which was later transformed by Adolf Hitler into the Nazi Party. There is no evidence that Adolf Hitler himself ever attended an official meeting of the Thule Society.
Throughout the history of France, beginning in 1693, there have been numerous four year periods where an unknown beast (or beasts) attacked numerous humans in a focused area. The beasts were often described as wolf-like with a reddish tinge and emitting an unbearable odor. The most prolific instance was the 1764 to 1767 killings in the former province of Gevaudan; where an estimated 210 attacks resulted in 113 deaths and 49 injuries; 98 of the victims were partially eaten. These attacks by supposed wolf-like creatures continued in strange intervals, often lasting approximately four years in different regions of France; the last known occurrence being reported as recently as 1954.
Plum Island is located off the coast of New York state. On the island is built Fort Terry. Despite countless claims denying all such claims of developing biological weapons at the facility by the US government, a news agency uncovered evidence in the 1990s that such research had been conducted for over forty years. Later, the US government openly acknowledged that the Department of Agriculture had a center for animal disease research on site. In 2003, the Department of Homeland Security took over ownership of the island. In 2008, the Department of Agriculture relocated its research from the island to a new facility in Kansas.
A 2005 survey of the beliefs of the U.S. population found that an estimated 41% of American citizens believe in ESP, 31% believe in telepathy, and 26% believe in clairvoyance. A similar survey in 2006 revealed that college graduates were surprisingly more likely to believe in the paranormal than college freshmen...
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