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Heroes in a Half Shell by donteatpoop
Sure why the hell not?" you say to Leonardo. "Come on if you're coming."

Leonardo falls into step beside you. The two of you walk on in silence in search of Michaelangelo. Nearly an hour passes when you find yourselves in an area of the sewers that you are not familiar with.

"Do you know where we are?" You ask Leonardo. He shakes his head and looks blankly back at you.

"Do you think they even went this way?" You ask him.

"I don't know," he replies, "Is this where people go to do drugs?"

"How the hell should I know?!" You shout. "I've never done the crap!" You don't mean to hollar, but Leonardo pisses you off. He 's always on a power trip but he never knows jack about anything. It sucks having an incompetent leader.

"There's a lot of rats down here," You mention to your "superior".

"Of course there are, Donatello," He says to you, "We're in the sewers."

You bite back your retort, hoping that he will realise on his own that the amount of rats down here are much greater than the majority of the sewers down here.

Before he can come to this realisation, however, the understanding is forced upon him. A dirty man with a bandage wrapped around his head steps out from behind a wall, rats scurrying around his feet.

"Now I have you turtles," He says, "Your asses are mine!"

Great, you think, now it's just you and Leonardo against this ratinfested reject. You need to find Michaelangelo, but it seems that more pressing issues have arisen.
End Of Story

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