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Blissful Oblivion

Wait. Judging by his appearance, that would mean...
"You've been here since you were a baby?" I asked.
He shifted and looked uncomfortable. Right as he opened his mouth to answer, there was an ungodly screech in what felt like right by my ear.
A figure suddenly materialized, or maybe came out from hiding. It was too quick to tell.
It was monstrous. That is the best and most accurate word. It looked like an iguana, a dragon, and a crocodile rolled around in some nuclear waste and fused to form some new, entirely different kind of scary.
Except this one ran faster than I could see. Oh, and apparently it could harness fire.
It sped up to the guy (Note to self, get his name) and slashed black talons at him, fire bursting with every hit. He blocked its advances with his bare arms, and a dark glow seemed to flicker into being around him. "Die!" He howled, and right before he landed a hit, it flicked it's head to look behind it. It screeched, and I squinted into the distance to see what it was looking at. Was that... A person? The beast zipped past, heading in the direction of the person.
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