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The Prophet

A staff that makes any thought a reality is obviously the best key to your survival from a sinking ship and crab monster. As the ship goes vertical you attempt to strategically slide after your staff. The ship splinters in half as the sea beasts other claw comes crashing through. You roll to avoid the claw, spiraling in the air as splintered wooden planks hit you.

You hit hard against the railing on the stern of the schooner. Deep gashes are all over your body from hitting the debris, drenching your robe in red. But the staff is next to you, and you firmly grip it in your palm.

Pointing to the sea, you call forth a great whirlpool to suck down the crab creature. The whole world begins to spin as the ship, monster and yourself are now caught in the whirlpool of your own creation. You imagine yourself flying over this scene and it becomes so.

Levitating into the sky, you escape the inevitable doom of the whirlpool as the crab creature makes one last attempt to lunge at you. The suction of the undertow is too much and the beast goes under. The ship follows and soon there is no sound but the sloshing of the sea.

Realizing you have defied Alru with a staff he had gifted, you fly speedily to the nearest shore fearing the power of the staff may give out if Alru so chooses. You land on a nearby coastline devoid of any activity. Sitting here on the rocky coast you ponder when Alru will come to smite you.

But Alru never shows. Right when you think this odd, a humanoid form emerges from the sand. When the dust clears, before you stands a tall figure clad in black robes. The face is pale and serpentine, eyes glowing a sickly yellow. Instead of arms, the heads of multiple snakes appear from the robe.

"Do you know my name ssssson of Alru?" He speaks in a hoarse voice.

"You could only be Sordint, sworn enemy of Alru and the master of the underworld." You confidently reply.

"Corrrreccct. It sssseems you have abandoned Alru. Why iss thiss so?"

Rubbing your beard, looking up at the sky you answer the dark ones question, "I could not accept the path given to me. He called upon me to be a selfless servant, Abandoning all I knew and loved."

"He doesss that." Sordint cackles. "Says you are loved but you are truly hiss ssslave. I offer another deal, to be a selfish servant and do as you pleasse."

To you this sounds infinitely better, but you're not sure how trustworthy Sordint is.

"What do you wish of me demon?"

"For you to be a god among men! To rule over them or destroy them. Whatever you wish! I only ask that you slay one follower of Alru. A payment of blood, that is all. Then unlimited power is yoursss." Sordint opens his robe and a staff emerges from the blackness. It seems to be made of human bone and is slightly scorched as if it had been in a fire.

This unlimited power thing sounds pretty good to you. So much so that maybe you could even have the power of both gods...
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