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Zodiac: Choices

"Look, Knox... We used to be friends," you tell him. "Why do we need to keep doing this to each other? Why can't we just go back to being friends?"

Knox looks you over, studying you. "You betrayed me," he says with a sneer.

His aura says something different. It reads as though he feels the same... until he activates his power and shuts yours down. You choke as the sensation of being cut off from the nourishing Odic energy is akin to suffocation for a powerful psychic like you.

"Knox..." you plead, about to double over. "Please..."

And with that, he releases you. "Don't read me, Josh..." he barks as he helps you compose yourself. "I don't like being read. I'm not a book... and we're not friends. We never were."

"Yes, we were," you say.

"Your actions speak louder than words," he counters and walks away.

Mercy is at your side now. "What was that about?" she asks.

"Apparently he's not ready for my apology," you tell her.

"Oh, Josh..." she sighs. "I've told you. You don't need to apologize. You apologize for mistakes, not for doing the right thing."

"I betrayed him," you say.

"I betrayed him," Mercy replies. "Or at least, I would've if he hadn't betrayed me first..."

"What?" you find yourself asking.

"Nevermind..." Mercedes says and starts to walk away.

"Sir," Ione says to you. "I think I've got a lead for us."

How do you respond?
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