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Zodiac: Choices

"Lupus was checked in to room 12," Ione says in response to your directive. "Shall we start there?" she asks.

"Good idea," you reply.

In minutes, you and the team are stepping into room 12. The 'Do Not Disturb' sign still swinging from the doorknob. Ione's ability made quick work of the electronic keycard lock outside the room.

"The room hasn't been touched," Knox says as he takes a deep whiff. It's more than just mundane smell, Knox's ability allows him to read passive psychic residue lingering in an area. He could tell if others have been here recently or not. "That's good news."

"Here's some bad," you say as you spot the wall across the bed. Assembled there is a collage of local newspaper clippings, maps, and post-it notes.

A quick cursory glance seems to suggest that Lupus was on the trail of something able to manipulate the weather. But you're drawing a blank on what could possibly have that much paranormal juice.

What do you do?
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