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The search for talent...The John Cena Story. by SilverKid
AJ Styles: I'll do it. Mett me in the ring.

Later on Styles waits in the empty Impact Zone. Cena walks down the aisle and enters the ring.

Cena: What the hell kind fo ring is this?

Styles: It's innovation.

Cena: What's the point?

Styles: 6 is more than 4.


Styles climbs the top ropes and hits the Spiral Tap onto the canvas.

Cena: o_0

Styles: You try.

Cena: I don't know what the **** you did.

Cena climbs up anyway and leaps off. He twists once and lands on his neck.

Cena: Owwwwww!!!!!!

Styles: You can hurt yourself man. Keep trying though til you get it right.

How much time does it take?
3 months
End Of Story

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