Extend the Story - Add a Room

The search for talent...The John Cena Story. by SilverKid
John Cena smiles and exits the room. He heads towards The Great Khali's lockeroom and when he opens it...somes face to face with a giant snake.


The snake jumps back in Khali's pants and Khali smiles.

Khali: Me penars es te giarnt one.

Cena: Um...thanks for sharing. Listen, can you brain chop me?

Khali: Wha wud yu wan le branchargh?!

Cena: To see if I can sell it. Umm....your mother is a poopypants!

Khali: **** YOU!!!


Cena drops to the ground....and he doesn't move. He has actually sold it. Suddenly Ken Kennedy runs through the door with a ref. He covers Cena.

An announcer comes out of nowhere.

Announcer: Here is the winner and New WWE CHAMPION....

Kennedy grabs the mic.


Kennedy exits the room as Cena gets to his feet.

Cena: What happ...


Kennedy exits again leaving Cena confused. He shrugs his shoulders.

Cena: Maybe I won't be stale anymore. Hmmm...I need a new power finisher.

Cena goes to see.....
End Of Story

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